Featured News

Maritime Disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Way Forward
This publication by Dr. Roudi Baroudi is soon to be available in Turkish as an eBook. It is currently available in English, Arabic, French, and Greek.

Ambassador John Craig becomes member of the Scotia Group ahead of the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow.
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Dr. Sasha Toperich, Senior Executive Vice President, Transatlantic Leadership Network
Keynote address
The Honorable Ruben Gallego, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (AZ-7)
Dr. Roudi Baroudi, CEO, Energy & Environment Holding
Dr. Joseph Stanislaw, International Advisory Board, Dana Gas and Founder, JAStanislaw Group
Lieutenant General (retired) Michael Barbero, Vice President, Transatlantic Leadership Network and Chairman, TerraScale
Closing remarks
Debra Cagan, Distinguished Energy Fellow, Transatlantic Leadership Network
The Honorable Kirsty Duncan MP, Deputy Leader of Government in the House of Commons of Canada
Dr. Lawrence Susskind, Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Adil Najam, Inaugural Dean, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University
Ambassador John Craig, Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Leadership
Closing remarks
Dr. Roudi Baroudi, CEO, Energy & Environment Holding
TLN Commentary
Giving Europe a Pass on Nord Stream 2 Is Another Putin Victory
“Energy is used by Russia as a political weapon to gouge, dissuade, and suppress countries and populations from their own aspirations. With Nord Stream 2, that will include much of Europe.”
Debra Cagan and Andras Simonyi write for The National Interest.
February 2021
The Borders in the East Med Have To Be Right
“There is no dispute that cannot be resolved by decent people looking for a better future. I have tried to frame the issues at hand in a way that transcends boundaries and rises above traditional rivalries, appealing to groups and individuals with different concerns and perspectives.” [Translated]
Roudi Baroudi writes for Il Giornale.
January 2021 [Italian]
Transatlantic Cooperation on Climate Change: Beyond the Beauty Contest
“This paper discusses the credibility of U.S. leadership on climate change, which allies the transatlantic partners might wish to work with, if China is likely to be among them, and how to move forward on the carbon border tax and low carbon technology cooperation.”
Louise van Schaik and Paul Hofhuis write for First Resort: An Agenda for the United States and the European Union, a joint project between the Transatlantic Leadership Network and the Wilson Center’s Global Europe Program.
January 2021
Questions for Germany on EU's Russia strategy
“Suspension or cancellation of Nord Stream 2 does not call for a drawn-out search for unanimity by EU’s foreign ministers, nor does it require complex ratification procedures in the European Parliament or Member States’ parliaments. Such bold action calls for just one thing: political leadership.”
John Bruton, Mikuláš Dzurinda, and Andrius Kubilius write for the EU Observer.
February 2021
Must-read commentary
Turkey, Europe, and the Eastern Mediterranean: Charting a way out of the current deadlock
Galip Dalay writes for the Brookings Institution.
January 2021
Zohr and the energy map of Mediterranean
Alessandra Pierro writes for Eni.
April 2020
European energy transition after Covid-19: from Green Deal to 'Gas Deal'?
Nicolas Mazzucchi writes for Fondation pour la recherche stratégique.
April 2020
COVID19: East Med needs reboot now offshore gas future delayed
Cyril Widdershoven writes for Financial Mirror.
April 2020
In the News

Debra Cagan (L) and Dr. Roudi Baroudi (R) discuss Eastern Mediterranean on Al Jazeera Arabic.
Jonathan Roberts
Project Manager
Ariel Schwartz
Research Assistant